A time warp

Last night, I put about 300 people into a time warp. I re-played the inaugural program that was played 30 years ago this year, on the Casavant installation at Appalachian State University. The original program was played by my teacher, H. Max Smith, in whose memory we announced a new scholarship endowment last night, as well. It was a triple whammy evening: the organ's 30th birthday, a celebration of Max's legacy, and a new scholarship. Program was Lübeck F major, Scheidt Warum betrübst, Bach E-flat, Lesur In paradisum, and Reubke. And of course, the necessary eating and drinking ensued. Today I am not the least bit exhausted, even as I prepare now to go play in Knoxville, then fly to Houston to pick up Clyde Holloway's Aeolian-Skinner and move it to my house, then go dedicate an Allen on the South Carolina coast, then put all this music to bed and start on the next round of music for October and November. It's gonna be a killer.