Help Yourself XVI: Last ones

Here are the last free offerings from my little cache of re-harmonizations and other works. As with all works in this tagged series, you are welcome to click, print, and use freely.
FAITHFULNESS with descant

March 25, 2025
6:00 pm Eastern
Collaborative organist / Kenneth Schechter, trombone / Rosen Concert Hall, Appalachian State University
March 30, 2025
3:00 pm Eastern
Guest recitalist / First Presbyterian, Rome, Ga.
April 4, 2025
8:00 pm Eastern
Collaborative organist / Appalachian State University Singers / Brandon Winbush, conductor / Rosen Concert Hall, Appalachian State University
April 5, 2025
2:00 pm Eastern
Conductor, Rheinberger Organ Concerto / Emma Pullium, organ / Rosen Concert Hall, Appalachian State University
April 5, 2025
8:00 pm Eastern
Collaborative organist / Emily Dewey, Tuba / Rosen Concert Hall, Appalachian State University
April 6, 2025
3:00 pm Eastern
Soloist / Lenoir Community Music Club concert / First United Methodist, Lenoir, N.C.
April 18, 2025
12:30 pm Eastern
Lenten recital / Corinth Reformed Church, Hickory, N.C.
May 3, 2025
afternoon time Eastern TBA
Appalachian State University Organ Studio recital / St. Mark's Lutheran, Asheville, N.C.
Here are the last free offerings from my little cache of re-harmonizations and other works. As with all works in this tagged series, you are welcome to click, print, and use freely.
FAITHFULNESS with descant
I'm running out of these things! I have been sharing my hymn reharmonizations and other works in this series, for free. Today's offerings are the penultimate posting; the others will appear here in about 20 days.
As with all my works offered in this tagged series called "Free PDFs. Help yourself," you are free to click, print, and use for your own purposes, with my compliments. Since no publisher was interested, I might as well share freely!
AMAZING GRACE with descant
CWM RHONDDA with descant
DARWALLS 148th Dill text, with descant, in D
DARWALLS 148th Wesley text, with descant, in C
Here are five more of my re-harmonizations, tunes for which are named for places.
As with all the files available in this tagged series called "Free PDFs: help yourself," click, print, and use freely, with my compliments!
AUSTRIA with descant
DUKE STREET with descant
MADRID with descant
NICAEA with descant
Here are three more of my re-harmonizations. The texts for these tunes deal at some point with earthly beauty. As with all the files available in this tagged series called "Free PDFs: help yourself," click, print, and use freely, with my compliments.
LAUDES DOMINI in B-flat, with descant, two texts
LAUDES DOMINI in C, with descant, two texts
TERRA BEATA with descant
Here are two more of my numerous re-harmonizations in this series. Feel free to click, print, and use in your church, with my compliments. And a blessed Advent to you.
HYFRYDOL with descant
Want to really throw your congregation off the track? Then try some of these harmonizations. It worked for me!
As with all the PDFs in this tagged series, you may click, print, and use these files freely. But cautiously and judiciously.
LOBE DEN HERREN with descant
Here are two Advent-ish offerings for you. If you find either or both at all useful, then click, print, and use freely, with my compliments for a joyous upcoming season of wonder, 2013!
HELMSLEY descant only
Let all mortal flesh soprano solo and organ
Here are two more installments on my quest to share all my hymn reharmonizations and other works. These two are a little daring, in that one shamelessly adds parts where none previously existed (in the case of the first one), and one boldly cuts out the confusing parts to keep a congregation together while singing (in the case of the second one).
As with all the PDFs in this tagged series, you are welcome to click, print out, and use these freely:
SALVE FESTA DIES, 4 pts with descant
Malotte Lord's Prayer, simplified for congregational use
My proclivity to creating hymn harmonizations goes back to college days, when I was newly inspired by a church job I had just gotten. Inspiration is kind of like a "commission" from myself. I don't write the reharmonizations out of boredom; I have always composed them sporadically and in response to some visual delight, emotional charge, or earworm that needed to be committed to paper. Because they are my creations, I have always thought they are beautiful (publishers have not, apparently). And I admit that they are not the easiest accompaniment for the less-than-absolutely-confident congregation. But they do exist for better or for worse, and if you find them useful, help yourself.
Now below are my very first and very last (so far) attempts. Click, print, and use freely. NATIONAL HYMN (1989) is available in two different keys, depending on your propensity toward congregational abuse. The version of LASST UNS ERFREUEN (2010) is a slight expansion of a commission by Houston Baptist University for the inauguration of its new organ. It is set for four unspecified stanzas, plus introduction. I love it, if I say so myself.