Summer 2014

So far this summer, I have biked about 500 miles in New England. I have attended the national convention of the American Guild of Organists in Boston. I have played one recital and one choral concert.
The second half of the summer includes my semi-annual pilgrimage to Houston, a wonderful pilgrimage to introduce my sister to the Outer Banks, and the Organ Historical Society convention in Syracuse. And another recital -- this one came out of the blue. Lorenz Maycher called and asked if I could take his place as a featured recitalist at the OHS convention. He is having some issues to work out with his rebuild at church in Kilgore and couldn't get away as he had hoped. I am sorry for his situation, but I am so very honored and humbled by his asking me and by the OHS agreeing to it, too. And the best part is that this all happened before the convention book went to press! And so, as usual, on top of all the fun and games is a huge amount of practicing, just the way I like it.