What a week

Three recitals and a two-day organ crawl, all in nine days' time. I needn't say more, but I will.
So I played Reubke on a noonday Lenten recital on Good Friday. Then on Easter Sunday evening, seven of my nine students converged at my mother's to sleep over and head out the next day to visit organs. You can see photos and a bit of a journal on the studio's Facebook page.
Now, I'm wrapping up some office work and some teaching before heading out again, this time to prepare for a recital in Greensboro, where I will make my maiden voyage with the Widor Romane. Two days later, it's Reubke again, this time at the Porter Center in Brevard.
What a week. I still love this line of work, but I'm dreading the day when I'm too old and feeble to do all this in one week.