The Family

At this very moment, there are three students and one partner visiting my house. They have driven up my icy street to paw through free music, play anthems on the Allen, play anything at all on the Hauptwerk, and work on homework for music theory and business law.
At other times, I have had as many as 8 of my 9 students here, to work on a conference report for the magazine, work on a proposal for a new digital organ for the university auditorium currently being renovated, build the Hauptwerk, plan an outdoor organ recital on the Hauptwerk, eat my world-famous spaghetti, and just hang out and be supportive.
The final tally:
Dinner out with students: $25.
Paper, pens, and pencils for homework and reports and back-of-a-napkin dream lists: $5.
Watching these students exercise good manners and mutual support and enjoy the non-judgmental safe haven of my house: priceless.