Upcoming Performances

January 11, 2025
4:00 pm Eastern

Guest recitalist, Bethany Presbyterian, Graham, N.C.

March 30, 2025
3:00 pm Eastern

Guest recitalist, First Presbyterian, Rome, Ga.

April 18, 2025
12:30 pm Eastern

Lenten recitalist, Corinth Reformed Church, Hickory, N.C.

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Another new day

I've had four recitals, an orchestra appearance, a weeklong conference, and a musical cancelled for the coronavirus. Next up is September. We'll hold our breath.

I am on day 4 of my state's governor-ordered 30-day stay-at-home period. I am teaching four courses and four organists online. I am loath to check the news each day. I am disallowed from going to my office to work or to play on Clara Belle. My friends and fellow human beings are suffering with virus cases, overwork in essential services, and unemployment. I have reflected profoundly on which crisis affect which professions, how my friends are doing, how my enemies are doing, and how glad I am not to have a job in upper administration of ANYTHING.

And on the other side: My house is now the cleanest in Christendom. My courses are the most organized and fleshed out they will ever be. I am trying out some really nice recipes. Spring is springing. I am saving huge amounts of money on gas and restaurants. I am reaching out to some folks I haven't spoken with in years. I'm seeing the light dawn on some folks who realize how much cleaner the air is right now, how important we are to each other, and how much of a stupid game politics has evolved into. And thanks to quarantine and my Lenten veganism, I have lost ten pounds; only 25 to go. But I might have to go get a case of Corona as a gesture of support and as a test to find out where the stupid people are around me.

This is truly a new day, and no reader needs me to point that out. I can't remember a weirder time since 9/11. I look forward to the end of this particular tunnel, even as I know the end is nowhere in sight. I wish all who read this some moment of joy, cheer, closure, forward momentum, or just a good ol' temper tantrum. Health to all.

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