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November 3
Guest recitalist, Christ Church, Macon, Ga.

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A new day

Whew! I've been a little tied up. But I haven't forgotten my kind and faithful readers. 

Sometimes I feel triumphant, usually after a major report has been submitted or I have just played a memorized recital. As I've said before, I just sound better when things are memorized. And my writing is as daily as my practicing, so the feeling of creative completion is near-daily when writing. And so here I sit.

Other times I feel pressed upon from every direction and feel I may never dig out. Deadlines loom, notes go unmemorized, reports go unwritten. I have had a very hard time keeping up with my first-ever Honors course in music for non-majors this semester. Those guys are on the ball! And the paperwork involved with teaching, especially in a state institution, is enough to crush any Luke Cage.

Well, all this to say that although my silence on this blog is inexcusable, I now have new inspiration! I'm going to post a multi-part series on playing the Widor Symphonies. Having just finished recording them all, those magnificent notes continue to swirl in my head, as do all the adjustments I made in registering them on various organs. Otherwise, it occurs to me that lessons and videos on helping young people play the organ are legion, but there is precious little out there to help the professionals. While I won't presume that the professionals (such as myself) need my help, I do feel it will be fun to produce some comments on each and every Widor movement, much as I did with the complete Franck works.

So get ready. Teacher Joby is coming down the hall. I can't promise that this will begin tomorrow. But maybe the next day.

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