Big summer, once again

Why is it that even when a summer is jammed FULL of work, it's still more fun than the academic year?
May 19-21: ASU studio recital trip to Charleston, S.C. Studio performance Saturday at noon. Whoo hoo!!
June 19-23: AGO convention, Houston. Thursday afternoon performances by Joby Bell. Whoo hoo!!
June 26-July 2: OHS convention, Philadelphia. Saturday afternoon performance by ASU grad student Rodney Ward. Whoo hoo!!
July 6-30: Europe, here I come again. Recital in the cathedral at Magdeburg, July 11. Whoo hoo!!
August 4-12: ASU studio fun run to Washington, D.C. Organs, arts, Capitol Steps, food, and more. Whoo hoo!!
August 16: Classes. *Sigh*