Still memorizing

I was taught, not merely commanded, to memorize. (I have discussed that difference before.) But even though it is a painstaking process to get there, that feeling of euphoria that comes after finishing memorizing a piece is unbeatable. The piece on my mind today is the Dupré A-flat Prelude and Fugue, a masterpiece of counterpoint, yet an intense sojourn of beauty. Truly one of the most magnificent organ pieces ever written. It has been on my bucket list for years, and it's finally here. I'll be "premiering" it at Appalachian State on March 1 at 8pm Eastern. Also on that program will be BWV 651, the Böhm Partita on Freu' dich sehr, and Rachel Laurin's romping transcription of the Brahms/Handel Variations.
My memorizing life has changed with the addition of a black cat to the household. He paws me for food, meows in my ear, and walks across the other manual. So long as I don't try to incorporate those sounds in my memory, I think I'll be okay. Otherwise, I may crash and burn in performance if I don't hear meowing at the right time...