Upcoming Performances

November 3
Guest recitalist, Christ Church, Macon, Ga.

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Semesterly duties

Spring semester. It's that time of year again. This college town of Boone, N.C., is once again full of students and traffic. And true to form, the weather is howling outside with wind and sideways-flying snow. Spring? More like endless winter. It's a blast; trust me. An Arctic blast.

But it's an exciting new semester with lots of new things in my life: My in-house textbook on organ literature is ready for presentation, chapter-by-chapter, to my class. I am enjoying learning lots of new music, my favorite of which is the Dupré A-flat Prelude and Fugue. I have all my early-in-the-semester paperwork completed. And my adopted cousin, Sebastian, is doing well. He's a black cat, and I'm thinking about getting him a gray Tabby brother named Bagheera. If I do, then maybe I should switch their names! Think about that for a moment while you ponder one of my favorite movies of all time.

Whatever your January dealings right now, I wish you all best in them. Happy 2016.