POE 2013

Just arrived in Birmingham, Ala., for the 2013 American Guild of Organists southeast region IV Pipe Organ Encounter. Twenty-some teenagers and ten-some faculty have gathered for a week of lessons, recitals, Southern hospitality, and Southern heat. My dorm room at Samford University is most comfortable, with plenty of air conditioning, a private bath, and no roommate. Life, for this week at least, is good.
Then it's on to Kilgore, Tex., to make friends with an organ I'll be playing on in November for a bunch of Aeolian-Skinner enthusiasts. For a recital such as that, one should make a special trip to plan the perfect program. And it's always a good excuse to eat good Mexican.
And in all this, have bike, will travel. My usual summer weight loss program is well underway. It consists of two bike rides daily, plus the time to take them (something that doesn't exist when school is in session).
Happy summer.