Summer break? Don't make me laugh.

Everything has come due at the same time. After a semester where I missed more than a month at school for recitals and Mother's death, school is now over, and summer break has begun.
Yeah, right.
Commencement was yesterday. Europe starts in two days, which will include touring around Germany and the south of France, culminating in a recital at Sherborne Abbey, England. One day after returning from Europe, I'm off to Charleston, SC, to teach, lecture, and perform for a Pipe Organ Encounter. Then I'm home for a week, then I have service organist and recital duties at Lake Junaluska, then the AGO convention in Nashville, at which I'll release "Music City Mixture," my new recording on mechanical action organs of Nashville. Someday I'll compile a diary of how to promote a new recording. That will be extensive, and it will not include advice to try this at home.
See you on the other side.