Halloween 2012

It was a dark and stormy night. I was stealing ideas from others...
The Houston chapter of the American Guild of Organists used to present a Halloween Monster Concert. The audience would scream and howl with cue cards during the Toccata & Fugue in d, sing Pumpkin Carols, and see smoke rising during the Boëllmann Toccata. Fast-forward to a patriotic name-that-tune quiz I once heard in the National Cathedral, which I converted to a name-that-SCARY-tune quiz for Halloween. Now fast even more forward to my own ideas of holding brief costume contests decided by applause meter, plus presenting a silent scary movie on top of all the above, and you now have the Appalachian State University organ studio's annual Halloween Monster Concert.
We just presented the sixth annual concert last week. It's always on Halloween proper, which this year was a Wednesday. That didn't seem to deter the church choirs or their directors/organists from attending! Go to our Facebook page and YouTube channel to see photos and videos (soon).