
Boone is 1 hour from anything. When I take students down the mountain to attend something, it had better be good. Last Saturday was. Nine of us traveled to Burlington, NC, where we enjoyed an organ crawl and reveled in the sights and sounds of organs by Harrison & Harrison (Front Street Methodist), Andover (1st Presbyterian), Schantz (1st Presbyterian), and Dobson (Holy Comforter). We also enjoyed hotdog after hotdog at Zack's in downtown.
And that was just the appetizer. In November, ten of us will be traveling to Kilgore, Tex., where we will participate in the second East Texas Pipe Organ Festival. We will learn much about the zenith of American organ building and its various characters. I can smell an Aeolian-Skinner from a mile away, and I have been hooked for years. Now I have done all I can to get my point across to my students: "Go to this." And they're going! And they're looking forward to it, as am I.
Recitals continue unabated. School continues unabated. And Music City Mixture just got its first real publicity push, the one that it didn't get at the convention. Here's hoping...