Upcoming Performances

November 3
Guest recitalist, Christ Church, Macon, Ga.

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Prophet in his own land


It finally happened. On the home turf.

Each academic college at my university conducts its own Commencement ceremonies. There are seven of them, spread across three days. All of them are held in the multi-purpose arena, except for the School of Music, which is held on its own stage in the music building. Our Commencement is intimate (though full), and it is a special event for our graduates to walk across their own stage to receive their diplomas. I play the organ for the processions, and we hear several student performances during the ceremony, as well. It is a wonderful time for us, and our musically-inclined [now former] Chancellor enjoys coming over for it. Back in 1990, I played for the very first commencement exercises held in the music building. It was my own graduation, and I have savored that memory all these years.

So yesterday, a mere twelve seconds into the prelude, an admin-type comes out on stage, tells me to play on but to bring it down, so that he can instruct the gathering audience to pretend this is church by moving into the center, fill in empty chairs, stop saving seats, and clear the aisles for the procession to come. When he passed back by me, I said, "Yes, that's just like church."

And I wasn't referring to moving into empty seats.

I was referring to the fact that those in charge always seem to find it appropriate to make announcements while live, professionally-prepared and performed music is being played. It happens in church all the time, but when it happens at the hand of a school-of-music admin at a well-respected and accredited school of music, it is a sad day, indeed.

I resumed and finished. Then I started the processional.

At which time all the above happened again.

Yes, a second time. Same person, new announcement of overflow in the Recital Hall next door.

I have no publicly-consumable language left to continue telling this story here. I will simply finish by saying that I was vindicated by a text I retrieved after Commencement from one of my sharper sacred music students: "How rude of Dr. X!"

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