Demo of the Casavant where I teach
This video is not one but several of my greatest achievements:
1) FINALLY, after 17 years there, I created a demo video of the Casavant where I teach.
2) I did the various demos and performance in single takes. Couldn't believe it. When it was done, I said to my student Sarah, who had been wielding the camera, "Let's get out of here before I want to do anything again."
3) I learned how to use iMovie along the way. Old dog, new tricks and all that.
I'm proud of this, and I hope you will enjoy it. And since it demonstrates the teaching organ, then I have also cross-posted it on my Facebook page, my studio's Facebook page, my YouTube channel, the studio's YouTube channel, and all my various American Guild of Organists chapters for posting. Surely this will take over the world.