Texas, Part 1
Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 12:31AM
Joby Bell

The second annual East Texas Pipe Organ Festival is underway! I have brought five students with me, and we are having a blast.

Saturday, November 10, a.k.a. Day One: 16.5 hours on the road! Lots of laughs, and lots of miles.

Sunday, November 11, a.k.a. Day Two: Church at First Presbyterian, Kilgore, Tex. One airport run for the last student. One recital at First Baptist, Longview. Delicious dinner at Nanny Goat's in Kilgore, courtesy of Lorenz Maycher. Bowling. Whataburger.

Monday, November 12, a.k.a. Day Three: Shopping in downtown Kilgore. Lunch at The Back Porch. A panel discussion with Charlie Callahan and Larry Palmer on "Composers They Have Known." Happy hour in one room, student homework in the next. A recital at First Presbyterian, Kilgore.

There is no way to describe the beauty of the Aeolian-Skinners at First Presbyterian and St. Luke's Methodist, Kilgore, and First Baptist, Longview. And there is even less way to describe my joy at watching my students get acquainted with them and enjoy the company of fellow Aeolian-Skinner fans. We're having a ball.

Article originally appeared on Joby Bell (http://jobybell.org/).
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