But that’s what I’m supposed to do
Monday, October 8, 2012 at 11:25AM
Joby Bell

I once overheard a nice lady praising Rob Landes on his ability to play any tune in any key on the spot. He replied, “Thank you! But that’s what I’m supposed to do.” And he was right. Jazz musicians need to be able to do anything. Church musicians need to be able to do almost anything. It’s what we do.

I suppose I was a bit of a wunderkind. I was doing some things in music that no one my age in that town was doing. Now that I’m old(er), I’m doing much the same things for pay, only now it’s what I’m supposed to do, rather than something a normal kid shouldn’t want to or be able to do. Although I enjoy the praise today, I do hope that I have improved as a professional and no longer play like the wunderkind – nothing is worse than an older person still capitalizing on their child star status.

My former classmates, bless their hearts, seem to be able to talk only about their children, how much trouble they are, how much time and energy they take, how dirty their diapers are, and how being a taxi service for them is a pain. But that’s what parents are supposed to do – that’s how raising kids is supposed to be.

I look back from time to time at my previous Blog and News posts, and I see that about all I can talk about is how busy I am. But I also see that I’m always quick to add that I like it that way and I want it that way. Performing, teaching, planning, mentoring: it’s what I’m supposed to do. I chose it.

Now, I have to get back to work. Quit reading this and go do what you’re supposed to do. See you next week.

Article originally appeared on Joby Bell (http://jobybell.org/).
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